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Guniting or Shotcrete or Shot Concrete

Guniting or Shotcrete Guniting or Shotcrete: An intimate mixture of cement, sand (or fine aggregate) and water is forced or ejected through a cement-gun and...

Geological Classification of Rocks

Geological Classification of Rocks It is estimated that three-fourth of the land area of the globe is underlain by sedimentary rocks and the other fourth...

Cement Mortar – Preparation of Cement Mortar

Cement Mortar The unit of measurement for cement is a bag of cement weighing 50 kg and this is taken as 0.035 cu. m. Sand...

Cold Weather Concreting- Concreting in Cold Weather

Cold Weather Concreting During Cold weather concreting, the rate of hardening and setting of concrete is very much retarded when the temperature falls below 21...

Hot Weather Concreting – Concreting in Hot Weather

Hot Weather Concreting Hot Weather Concreting in tropical countries, such as India, air temperatures may rise up to 40-50 deg. C. during summer months. Such...

Efflorescence in Brick Work

Efflorescence in Brick Work When soluble salts are present in huge quantities in the bricks or in the mortar, they absorb moisture from air or...

Quick Sand Formation/Condition

Quick Sand Formation/Condition Quick sand formation/condition is not a soil type. Quick sand formation/condition is created in saturated thick layers of loose fine sandy soils...

Foundations in Black Cotton Soils

Foundations in Black Cotton Soils: The following methods are generally adopted to meet the characteristics of foundations in black cotton soils,   (1) Foundation loads are limited...

Test for Sand – Fine Aggregate

Test for Sand - Fine Aggregate The required test for sand are as follows, 1. Take a glass of water and add some quantity of sand...

Concrete Shrinkage – Shrinkage of Concrete

Concrete Shrinkage - Shrinkage of Concrete Concrete shrinks during setting and drying due to hydration of cement and produces shrinkage cracks. The drying shrinkage increases...